Winter Family Activities on a Budget
Winter can be a challenging time for families – especially young families. The pressures financially and socially increase around events like Christmas. Then during the school holidays and weekends, the weather can make it hard to play outside and burn off all that energy, leading to fractious afternoons indoors. Today we’re looking at family activities […]
Cupcakes, Cupcakes, it is all about the Cupcakes.
Everything you could want to know about cupcakes Why do we love cupcakes so much? Ahhh, the wonderful cupcake. Who doesn’t love them? But did you know that cupcakes were initially called “number cakes?”. They were called number cakes because the ingredients were measured by weight, and each ingredient was given a number. Pretty cool […]
Baby Shower Ideas: Choosing the Perfect Decorations
A baby shower is a time of celebration. Starting a family or adding a new member is one of the most exciting times in one’s life. A big part of thecelebration can be done at the baby shower. While you may want to do some brainstorming for the perfect baby shower ideas, you’ll find the […]
How long should you breastfeed for
This is a question that comes up in every single on of the ante-natal breastfeeding sessions that I facilitate, so it definitely deserves a post of its own. Firstly, it needs to be clarified. What we’re talking about here is the age your baby is when she weans from the breast, not the age at […]
Why is my child suddenly so clingy
The Rocky Road to Independence – two steps forward, one step back Children don’t gain independence in a neat, linear fashion, steadily getting bolder and bolder as they grow up. Frustratingly for us parents, they actually seem to periodically have a burning need to test how strong and secure their base is before they take […]
5 inspirational quotes to help us through tough patches
I’ve experienced many a difficult patch in my eight years as a parent, and one of the things that’s really helped me through has been inspiring quotes that have reminded me why I’m doing this and what the best way to do it is! So here are five of my favourites: 1. It would be […]
How to survive when you feel trapped by breastfeeding or attachment parenting
This post is partly inspired by Sarkozy’s ill-considered words last week, and also by a thread I read on Mumsnet by a mother who is sick of breastfeeding her five month old baby who is refusing to take a bottle. I think the mother is incredibly brave to come out and say what she did. It’s kind […]
How often should I get my baby weighed
Baby weighing is one of those classic contentious issues. Many parents like to have their babies weighed every week, and many health visitors are happy to oblige – in fact many parents are actively encouraged to have their babies weighed so frequently, and this can lead to parents feeling worried and undermined. I assure you […]
The importance of genuineness in parenting.
The formation of relationships is both a conscious and a subconscious process. It is also a physical process requiring the mutual release of the hormone oxytocin. From a physical point of view, you feel good when oxytocin is released and when a particular person’s presence or touch makes you release oxytocin, you naturally want more […]
Creating a guilt-free Christmas
I have long had the impression that Christmas means only presents to children and have therefore tried to ensure mine get what they ask for as far as I possibly can. However, we’re living in hard times now so many of us parents are having to really ask ourselves how we’re going to manage this […]